“I completed my Production engineering degree and started working as an Industrial Engineer at Mahindra’s Nashik plant 13 years ago. At that time, a female engineer on the shopfloor was unprecedented, and I’m thankful to the manufacturing manager’s courage to entrust me with the role.
As the sole female engineer in a male-dominated vertical, operating efficiently while trying and breaking biases and pre-conceived notions was a huge challenge. Be it dealing with union associates, or ensuring implementations, there was always support from senior management. I believe Mahindra has a working environment that is fair, transparent and immensely supportive; I’ve also had the opportunity to experience various functions – industrial engineering, manufacturing quality, logistics, and process engineering. Along the way, I’ve been fortunate enough to have been recognized with accolades like the ‘Lady Engineer Award’ and the ‘Mahindra Lady Icon Award’.
Mahindra has also been extremely supportive of work life balance. It was a tough task back in the day to manage both personal and professional requirements, while raising two daughters. At a time when the organization did not have well-developed policies like today, it was the sheer support from my colleagues that kept me going – that’s why I have tremendous emotional attachment with the organization.
My current function of Process engineering at the Chakan plant, has given me the exposure of working alongside 700 people, drive process implementation, and address various challenges that come along the way. I believe Mahindra has always stood by the fact that if one is capable, he or she can always get solid opportunities to make their work journey exciting. I have been able to grow from a trainee to a managerial role, and my aspiration is to lead the Process Engineering vertical for a Body Shop at Mahindra.”